Sad quotes explore themes of love, loyalty, and betrayal, capturing the pain of unfaithfulness and the disillusionment that follows. Each line reflects the complexity of emotions tied to trust and heartache.
اپنے تجربے کی آزمائش
کی زد تھی ورنہ
ہمکو تھا معلوم کے
تم بےوفا ہو جاؤگے
It was a...
The islamic quotes about life explain there are many obstacles, pleasures, and times of introspection on the path that is life. Within Islam, the lessons of the Quran and Hadiths offer ageless knowledge to assist us across these stages of life. Islamic quotes about...
Discover heart touching husband and wife quotes honouring the link between spouses and stressing in marriage love, respect, and mutual understanding.
خوبصورتی سے کوئی غرض نہیں
ہمسفر قدر کرنے والا ہونا چاہیے ۔
There is no concern for beauty; a companion should be someone who values and appreciates.
Father Quotes In Urdu: An Honors to Fathers
Father Quotes in urdu Discover sincere Urdu parent quotes reflecting love, wisdom, and sacrifice. This site honors the great part fathers play in our life by including many quotes honoring their influence and presence in father quotes...